
lumastra . cosmicael


SpeciesCosmicael / Pegasus
Age18.6 million years
Height180 cm
HairGraphite, pale and wispy at the tips
SkinAshen grey, faint stardust sheen
Eyes Iridescent blue, water droplet pupils


Now in his seventh month on Lumastra, Pegasus is still fairly fresh from the baby basket. In his classes so far, he has exhibited traits of an honest and candid student. He absorbs everything taught to him in the most literal way, and has yet to understand the nuances of communication. Innocent and trustful, he also carries a rather impressionable disposition.

As a pure and ancient life form, Pegasus emits a natural air of selflessness and naiveté. Not yet understanding mortality past knowing that people can 'die', Pegasus may intuitively lend his form to the steadfast protection of others. He is also easily seduced by apples. Please be kind to him.

LikesApples, chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce, open skies, soothing sounds, caterpillars
DislikesScoldings, baby noises



Diamond Wings

Action Style

Aerial speedingHack & slashShield & protectNight scout


Anti-gravityLight generationFire/Heat resistancePortal summoning

Carbon Morph
Pegasus' form is naturally filled with carbon. This means for him the generation of carbon-based allotropes (eg. graphite, diamond, etc.) is slightly more efficient than the generation of organic materials (eg. flesh, bones). Pegasus therefore has a habit of merging carbon materials with his body.

Diamond as a material is exceptionally hard and stable. It is invulnerable to acid and offers good natural defense against several elements. In the shape of wings, both attack and defense can be performed intuitively.

Diamond is hard but relatively brittle. It is prone to cracking via centered physical impact (eg. piercing, hammering). The wings do not perform well in confined spaces or around allies. In a pinch, one may choose to break a feather off to wield instead.


Having spent millions of years adrift in space - the final frontier - as a wee puff of gas, Pegasus has seen some things. Some asteroids here, some explosions there, and a few collapses of galactic magnitudes in the passing. Recalling now, he did also come across other puffs of gas - ones much like himself. But, they never greeted each other. Why? After gaining his very first humanoid form, Pegasus began to wonder.

Initially, Pegasus was spotted on Lumastra chasing after a drone in the sky. Some folks had pointed to the dark shape of his gas form and called out - "A pegasus!" The cosmicael then descended upon them, and soon found itself entering into a new life. A conscious life. And "Pegasus" became his name.

After 6 months, he was part of a newly oriented cosmicael cohort along with Crux and Jing. 'Young' as they were, they explored Lumastra and experienced the life of man with open senses and wide-eyed curiosity. So far, Pegasus' most profound memories are of fresh apples, chicken nuggets dipped in sweet and sour sauce, skipping class to fetch Jing from outer space, and the wrath of their mentor.

Then, following his small friend Crux, Pegasus signed up for the Cause with simple knowledge and neutral regard of the Stain. To him, Stain was just as new as everything else - something yet to be explored. He was happy just being there, doing anything they said.

Once set on the objective of combat however, the cosmicael felt a bit lost. There was not a single weapon that he handled particularly well, for the nuances of gravity remained a tad slippery to him. What he did excel at, was chasing targets across open spaces and wrestling with aerial drones. After getting hit by one in the face, a genius idea finally blossomed. He'd turned his originally graphite wings into diamond - and with that, he was able to cut down all of the drones by himself during training! How wonderful. Now, he just has to be very careful, lest he accidentally cut his friends too...


His gas form is a black pegasus.Initially, his humanoid form wings were made of graphite.The black pupils of his eyes are shaped like water droplets.He uses anti-gravity most of the time.He may be compelled to chase after things that are fast-moving.


CruxFriend & cohort.
JingFriend & cohort.

RP Info

MunNuX (Yvie)
Status Yes
Platform Discord, Gdoc
RP Style HC, Script, Lit (1-2 paragraphs)
RP Exp. 10+ years - forums, GaiaOnline, all that jazz
Speed Slow and steady